Tag Archives: Lovina Eicher; The Essential Amish Cookbook

Rereading early columns is an occasion to ponder life’s many changes

Timothy and Elizabeth's new colt from mother Shiann. As Lovina reminisces and reflects here, life is always moving on.
Rereading early columns is an occasion to ponder life’s many changes  Supper dishes are washed, and most of the family is relaxing and getting showered before … Continue Reading ››

Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting

Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting Another busy week! Yesterday was a long day. Sister Emma and sons Jacob, 18, and Steven, 11, daughter Elizabeth with Abigail, and daughter Susan with Jennifer assisted us with our work. Steven had his eleventh birthday on … Continue Reading ››